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Wire Buzzer

Black PBT 30MM Piezo Wire Buzzer 12 Volt Piezoelectric Transducer
Detailed Product Description
Size:D30mm*H20mmBuzzer:Piezo Buzzer
Colour:BlackHousing Material:PBT
Type:ActiveWire:With Wire

Black PBT 30MM Piezo Wire Buzzer 12 Volt Piezoelectric Transducer

Quick Detail:

  1. Size: D30mm*H20mm
  2. SPL: Min.90dB at 2.8KHz/12VDC 1/2 Duty Square Wave/30cm
  3. Operating Voltage: 5-15VDC
  4. Resonant Frequency: 2800+/-500Hz Continuous


  1. buzzer
  2. Piezo Buzzer with build-in oscillating
  3. Piezo Buzzer with Wire
  4. 12V Buzzer
  5. 30mm Piezo Buzzer
  6. Wire length can be customized


1. Technical Parameter

Measuring condition

Part shall be measured under a condition (Temperature: 5~35℃, Humidity: 45%~85%R.H., Atmospheric pressure: 860 ~1060hPa) unless the standard condition (Temperature: 25±3℃, Humidity: 60±10%R.H. Atmospheric pressure: 860 ~1060hPa) is regulated to measure.


Rated Voltage

12 VDC


Operating Voltage

5 ? 15VDC


Rated Current

Max.30mA, at 12VDC


Sound Output at 30cm

Min.90dB, at 12VDC


Resonant Frequency

2800±500 Hz





Operating Temperature

-20 - +70℃


Storage Temperature

-30 - +80℃






Approx 7 g

2. Dimensions Unit: mm Tolerance: ±0.5mm Except Specified


*Housing Material: Black PBT

3. Reliability Test

After any following tests the part shall meet specifications without any degradation in

appearance and performance except SPL. SPL shall not deviate more than -10 dB

from the initial value

(1)Ordinary Temperature Life Test

The part shall be subjected to 96 hours at 25±10℃. Input rated voltage

Resonant frequency, 1/2 duty Square wave.

(2)High Temperature Test

The part shall be capable of with standing a storage temperature of +80℃ for 96 hours.

(3)Low Temperature Test

The part shall be capable of with standing a storage temperature of ­-30℃ for 96 hours.

(4)Humidity Test

Temperature:+40℃±3℃ Relative Humidity:90%~95% Duration: 48 hours

and expose to room temperature for 6 hours

(5)Temperature Shock Test

Temperature:70℃ /1hour→ 25℃/3hours→-30℃/1hour→ 25℃/3hours (1cycle)

Total cycle: 10 cycles

(6)Drop Test

Standard Packaging From 75mm(Drop on hard wood or board of 5cm thick,

three sides, six plain.)

(7)Vibration Test

Vibration:1000cycles /min. Amplitude:1.5mm, Duration: 1 hour in each 3 axes


As this product is not protected from foreign material entering, please make sure that any foreign materials (e.g. magnetic powder, washing solvent, flux, corrosive gas) do not enter this product in your production processes. The functional degradation (e.g. SPL down) may occur if foreign material enter it

4.Electrical And Acoustical Measuring Condition

Recommended Setting

Recommended Test Circuit